Environmental Control Products

The average American spends approximately 90% of their time indoors, so if you are like most of us, your home’s air quality is very important. The best way to find relief from your allergies is to protect yourself from the triggers that make your allergies flare up. Environmental control products can help monitor your environment and keep it healthy while you live, work, and sleep.

Common contaminants found in our homes include:

  • Dust mites
  • Animal dander
  • Mold spores
  • Pollen

The most common symptoms are: nasal congestion; runny nose and sneezing; “sinus” symptoms; itchy, watery, red eyes; ear congestion; cough; wheezing; chest tightness; and eczema. Many people endure these symptoms, not knowing that they are allergy-related, and that prevention is readily available.

Allergens and the Products that Help:

Animal Dander:

  • Furnace Filter
  • NIOSH N95 Mask
  • Bedding and Pillow Encasement


  • Furnace Filter
  • NIOSH N95 Mask
  • Bedding and Pillow Encasement


  • Furnace Filter
  • NIOSH N95 Mask
  • Bedding and Pillow Encasement
  • Humidity Meter

Dust Mites:

  • Furnace Filter
  • NIOSH N95 Mask
  • Bedding and Pillow Encasement
  • Humidity Meter

Product Descriptions:

Eniromental Control products
Environmental control products

Furnace Filter

  • Filter results in a cleaner environment and reduction in exposure to allergens.
  • Pleated construction gives the filter more media to catch harmful particulates.
  • A rating of 12 or more, indicates superior performance in efficiency, airflow, and holding capacity.
Environmental Control Products
Environmental control products

NIOSH N95 Mask

  • Protects against exposure to allergen triggers and particulates.
  • Recommended by CDC to use as protection against influenza and H1N1 virus.
  • We also recommend using when outside mowing the lawn or doing yardwork.
Environmental Control Products
environmental allergies

Bedding and Pillow Encasement

  • Dust mites, animal allergens, and mold are drawn to mattresses – encasements keep these at bay.
  • Pillow and bedding encasements will protect you from allergy triggers while you sleep.
  • Anti-microbial fabric resists growth of mildew, mold, and odors for added protection.
Environmental control products
Environmental control products

Humidity Meter

  • It is important to monitor humidity in any room in your home.
  • It is recommended to maintain humidity levels below 50% to minimize mold, fungus, and dust mites that need moisture to grow and thrive.

Where to Buy:

We recommend purchasing environmental control product through these online retailers: AllergyZone.com, MissionAllergy.com