Patient shaking hands with doctor

Asthma Facts and Figures

Asthma 101: Learn About Asthma! Over 235 million people worldwide have asthma, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). That number includes 25 million Americans, making it one of our country’s most common chronic diseases. Here, we offer some facts and figures to help you better understand this chronic condition. What is asthma? Asthma is a

Mom and little boy playing in the forest and yellow leaves

Autumn Ailments: Tips on Living with Ragweed & Dander

So, you lived through spring and summer allergens, and if pollen Is your problem, you may get a break when the weather gets cooler. However, the arrival of fall doesn’t mean the end of allergens. Indoor allergies may actually get worse as you start spending more time inside, and ragweed can cause problems through fall.

Bowl of nuts

That’s Nuts! Surprising Places Nuts Are Hiding In Your Home

If you or someone in your family is allergic to nuts, you’re no doubt very careful with dietary options. Still, sometimes nuts lurk where you don’t expect them. Could nuts be hiding in your home without your knowledge? More importantly, do you know where to look for them? Peanut allergies are among the most common

Little girl admiring flowers

Pretty but Painful: Flowers to Avoid

They’re beautiful, fragrant, and a symbol of love and devotion. Unfortunately, for many people, flowers are a trigger for allergic reactions. Is there a solution? Yes! You can still enjoy flowers, and give flowers to your allergic loved ones, as long as you know which flowers to avoid. The flowers to avoid if you have allergies are

childhood asthma cover

Asthma Treatments: Which is Best for You? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Having a plan in place will allow you to live confidently, knowing your asthma is under control. When you call an experienced asthma doctor, you can be confident that your doctor will find the solutions you need to manage your asthma. At Allergy & Asthma Specialists, both fast acting and long-term treatments are available while